Our team of LLB-qualified specialists can assist you with:

Asset Division: We will work to ensure that marital assets are fairly divided, taking into account factors such as property, investments, pensions, and other financial assets.

Spousal Support: Whether you're seeking spousal support or defending against excessive support claims, we will advocate for your financial interests and strive to achieve a fair outcome.

Child Support: Ensuring that children's financial needs are met is a top priority. We will work to establish or modify child support orders that are fair and in the best interests of the children.

Business Valuation: If you own a business, we can assist with business valuation and division of business assets to ensure a fair distribution of marital property.

With our expertise in family law and access to top research tools like Thomson Reuters Practical Law and Westlaw UK, we ensure that your financial interests are protected throughout the divorce process. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards securing your financial future.

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