Visa Applications:

Assisting individuals and businesses with all types of visa applications, including work visas, student visas, family-based visas, and more.

Citizenship and Naturalization:

Helping eligible individuals navigate the process of obtaining citizenship through naturalization, including meeting residency and language requirements.

Deportation Defense:

Providing legal representation for individuals facing deportation proceedings, including asylum seekers, undocumented immigrants, and individuals with criminal convictions.

Family Immigration:

Assisting families with petitions for family-based immigration benefits, including sponsoring spouses, children, parents, and other relatives for immigration purposes.

Business Immigration:

Advising businesses on immigration matters, including sponsoring foreign workers for employment-based visas and complying with immigration laws and regulations.

No matter your immigration needs, Broad Street Solicitors is committed to providing you with personalized and effective legal representation. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can assist you with your immigration legal matters.

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